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About Hizentra

What's the difference between intravenous Ig (IVIg) therapy and subcutaneous Ig (SCIg) therapy?

Ig therapy is generally delivered in one of two ways. Intravenous Ig therapy, or IVIg, is administered into the vein by a medical professional. Patients with PI typically receive IVIg once every 3–4 weeks. Maintenance IVIG therapy for CIDP is often administered once every 3 weeks.

Subcutaneous Ig therapy, or SCIg, is infused in the fatty layer under the skin (not in a vein). It uses a relatively small needle and an infusion pump. With proper training, most patients can self-infuse SCIg (or be assisted by a caregiver). Most SCIg products are infused weekly, as Hizentra is for CIDP, but for those with PI, Hizentra provides the option to infuse as often as daily or up to once every 2 weeks. Talk with your healthcare provider about the dosing option that's right for you.

View the benefits of Hizentra

What are the benefits of a 20% Ig concentration?

As a 20% Ig therapy, Hizentra has the highest concentration of immunoglobulin available in a SCIg treatment, so you can receive the IgG treatment while infusing a lower volume, which potentially could result in fewer needlesticks. Hizentra was specifically designed to deliver Ig levels in half the volume of 10% Ig products,* regardless of which dosing schedule you and your healthcare provider choose.

*Based on an equivalent dose in grams.

How long can I store Hizentra at room temperature?

Hizentra can be stored at room temperature (up to 25°C [77°F]) for up to 30 months, up to the expiration date printed on the outer carton of the prefilled syringe. This means you don't have to worry about refrigerating Hizentra when you are on the go.

Will the amount of medicine I take or the time it takes to infuse change based on my infusion schedule?

The amount of Hizentra you infuse per month will not change, regardless of how often you infuse.

How long each infusion takes may vary based on a number of factors, including how often you infuse, the number of infusion sites you use, your infusion rate, and other factors. You and your doctor can decide what is best for you.

For PI, you can have infusions as often as every day up to every 2 weeks.

For CIDP, infusions are given once weekly (in 1–2 sessions over 1–2 consecutive days).

Learn about personalized treatment options

What kinds of side effects are associated with Hizentra?

The most common side effects in the clinical trials for Hizentra include redness, swelling, itching, and/or bruising at the infusion site; headache; chest, joint or back pain; diarrhea; tiredness; cough; rash; itching; fever, nausea, and vomiting. These are not the only side effects possible. Tell your doctor about any side effects that you may experience.

Learn about Hizentra's safety profile

How is Hizentra supplied?

Hizentra is the first and only Ig available in prefilled syringes. Prefilled syringes may be a convenient option for some people. Prefilled syringes may also simplify the set–up and transfer of Hizentra for those who have difficulty drawing from vials.

Your doctor can help you decide whether prefilled syringes are right for you.

Traveling With Hizentra

Can I travel with Hizentra?

Travel may be easier with a first and only for Ig—Hizentra Prefilled Syringes.

In a CSL-sponsored Harris Poll survey, 91% of people with PI were satisfied with the ease of travel with prefilled syringes. 70% of people with CIDP reported that prefilled syringes had a very or somewhat positive impact on their ability to travel.*

Whether you’re traveling for pleasure or business—across the state or around the globe—a few simple preparations can help keep you safe:

  • Bring enough medication to last the length of your trip
  • If flying, take medication with you on the plane
  • Keep medications at the right temperature
  • Identify the healthcare resources at your destination

For international travel, you may want to make a few extra preparations:

  • Have any items with medical information translated into the language spoken at your destination
  • Familiarize yourself with the security policies at any foreign airport you travel through, as they may be substantially different than in US airports

* In an online survey, 30 of 33 adults with PI who have self-infused Ig using prefilled syringes were very/somewhat satisfied with ease of travel; 37 of 53 of those with CIDP reported that prefilled syringes had a very/somewhat positive impact on their ability to travel.

Hizentra should be stored at room temperature—up to 77°F (25°C). Hizentra is stable for up to 30 months, as indicated by the expiration date printed on the outer carton of the prefilled syringe or vial label.


How often will I infuse Hizentra?

That depends on the schedule that you and your doctor decide is best for you. Hizentra gives you protection with weekly dosing (1–2 sessions over 1–2 consecutive days) for CIDP. Dosing options for PI range from once a day to once every 2 weeks.

You and your doctor can choose your Hizentra dosing treatment plan based on:

  • Your routine
  • How much medicine per infusion
  • How long infusions take
  • How many infusion sites

Learn how you and your doctor can personalize your dosing and administration

How many infusion sites can I use with Hizentra?

A Hizentra dose may be infused into as many as 8 infusion sites simultaneously. In clinical trials, PI patients generally used 4 or fewer infusion sites per infusion, while CIDP patients most often used 4. The number and location of infusion sites depend on the volume of the total dose. Infusion sites should be at least 2 inches apart. Change the actual site of infusion with each administration. New sites should be at least 1 inch from previous site. Recommended infusion sites include the thighs, upper arms, abdomen, and side of upper leg/hip.

Learn more about infusing with Hizentra

Can I self–administer Hizentra?

Most patients/caregivers can be trained to infuse. However, self–administration should be done only after you go through training and perform a successful demonstration in front of a healthcare professional. You can always ask your healthcare professional questions about self–administration, especially if you need a refresher or if your infusion regimen has recently changed.

Learn how to self–administer

When you sign up for the Free Trial, you may be able to receive a 4–week supply of Hizentra and infusion equipment at no cost to you, plus free at–home visits by a trained nurse to help you learn to infuse.

See what the Free Trial has to offer

Review tips for getting started

After I am trained on self–administration, will I still need to go to my healthcare provider?

Yes. Partnering with one's healthcare provider is necessary for patients receiving Ig treatment. Regular visits with your healthcare provider are an important part of your therapy program. At each visit, your healthcare provider will evaluate your dose and your response to treatment and address any concerns you may have. It's important to bring your Hizentra therapy journal or send infusion records via the Hizentra app to share with your healthcare provider.

Review tips for getting started

What infusion equipment is needed?

Supplies include, but are not limited to, infusion pump, needle set(s), and tubing. CSL Behring does not recommend any specific equipment. Your healthcare provider will instruct you on the equipment that's right for you.

Review tips for getting started

Get Your Welcome Kit

Can I switch from IVIg to any of the possible Hizentra dosing schedules?

Talk with your healthcare provider about which option is best for you. For CIDP, the recommended dosing schedule is weekly. For PI, several dosing schedules (from daily to once every 2 weeks) are available, and your doctor will work with you to find the dosing schedule that works best for you.

Review tips for getting started

How long does it take to infuse?

The median infusion time based on the clinical trials was about 1.5–2 hours for PI, and about 1 hour for CIDP. Your infusion time may be shorter or longer, depending on the dose and frequency your healthcare provider has prescribed for you. Your experience may vary depending on a number of factors, including number of infusion sites, tubing, and how well you tolerate the treatment.

At what rate and volume do you infuse Hizentra?

For PI patients

Your initial rate should not exceed 15 mL/hour/site, but can then be increased to 25 mL/hour/site depending on how you feel. Your initial volume per site should not exceed 15 mL/site, but can then be increased up to 25 mL/site depending on how you feel.

For CIDP patients

Your initial rate should not exceed 20 mL/hour/site, but can then be increased to 50 mL/hour/site depending on how you feel. Your initial volume per site should not exceed 20 mL/site, but can then be increased up to 50 mL/site depending on how you feel.

Support & Resources

Will my insurance cover the cost of Hizentra?

We are working to have Hizentra covered by as many health insurance formularies as possible. Hizentra ConnectSM can also help you by doing a full benefits investigation to help you understand your options and how much they cost, identify managed care reimbursement opportunities, and talk to you about financial assistance if you're uninsured.

Hizentra is now covered under Medicare Part B for both PI and CIDP, offering the convenience of self-infused Hizentra with the same coverage as IVIg.*† Medicare Part B coverage means lower out–of–pocket costs for you than part D, covering pump, supplies, medication, and nurse training.

We can help, even if Medicare wasn’t an option before. To get started, call HizentraConnect℠ at 1-877-355-IGIQ (4447), Monday–Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET.

*100% coverage for those with Medicare Part B and a Medigap plan after Part B annual deductible is met.

Coverage of IVIg when administered in a clinical setting.

Is Hizentra covered by Medicare Part B?

Hizentra is covered under Medicare Part B for both PI and CIDP.* Get the convenience of self-infused Hizentra, covered under the same benefit category as IVIg. Medicare Part B coverage means lower out-of-pocket costs for you than with Part D, covering pump, supplies, medication, and nurse training.

We can help, even if Medicare Part B wasn't an option before. To get started, call Hizentra ConnectSM at 1-877-355-4447, Monday‑Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET.

* 100% coverage for those with Medicare Part B and a Medigap plan after Part B annual deductible is met. Coverage of IVIg when administered in a clinical setting.

How much does Hizentra cost?

The cost of any treatment, including Hizentra, depends on a number of factors, including insurance status and the insurer's copay/coinsurance policy. The actual out-of-pocket cost to a patient will depend on their individual prescription and medical coverage.

For those who cannot afford their treatment, CSL Behring is committed to providing appropriate resources to ensure patients can begin and/or remain on their therapy. These include:

Continued Treatment After Insurance Loss–This program may be able to help you continue to receive treatment even if you experience a lapse in third-party private health insurance. Eligible patients earn points for Hizentra that you can use to secure medicine should you have a lapse in your third-party private health insurance. It is free and features easy enrollment and participation.*

Protection if you lose insurance

Copay Support Program–Most eligible people with commercial insurance pay $0 in out-of-pocket expenses for Hizentra.

Copay Support

Patient Assistance Program–Offers help if you are uninsured or underinsured, or otherwise can't afford SCIg therapy. For more information, including program terms and conditions, call the Hizentra ConnectSM resource center, CSL Behring's single source for information about immunoglobulin therapies, at 1-877-355-4447, Monday‑Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET.

* Enrollment required. Subject to terms and conditions. For the Assurance Program, visit Subject to terms and conditions of the Copay Support Program. To read the full terms and conditions, click here. CSL Behring reserves the right to rescind, revoke, or amend the program at any time without notice.

How can I get a free trial of Hizentra?

If you and your doctor have decided you're ready to try Hizentra, you may be able to get a 1-month supply of medicine, infusion equipment, and in–home nurse training for free.

To apply for this program, ask your doctor to call Hizentra ConnectSM to see if you are eligible. For more information, call 1-877-355-4447, Monday‑Friday, 8 AM to 8 PM ET.

Learn more

What is the Hizentra app?

The Hizentra app—which is replacing the MyHizentra® Infusion Manager app—means your infusion log is never farther away than your phone! The Hizentra app allows you to schedule personalized infusion reminders, and track your infusion details from the palm of your hand. Tracking your infusions allows you to share your detailed history with your doctor and make any necessary changes to your therapy and personalize treatment to your specific responses and needs.

If you currently use the MyHizentra® Infusion Manager app, you will be transferred to the new Hizentra app during regular app updates. Upon launching the new app, current MyHizentra® Infusion Manager app users will be asked to confirm their profile so it can be migrated seamlessly into the new app.

Download the Hizentra app and start tracking today!

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Who can I talk to about Hizentra therapy?

If you are a Hizentra patient or caregiver, you can sign up for Voice2Voice, a unique program from CSL Behring that provides the opportunity for patients and caregivers to connect and share their experience firsthand.*

*Voice2Voice advocates are not healthcare professionals or medical experts. For medical questions, please contact your physician. Voice2Voice advocates are compensated by CSL Behring LLC. for their time and/or expenses.

Discover additional programs available to you

What should I do if my Specialty Pharmacy has stopped shipping my Hizentra?

Contact Hizentra ConnectSM, who will conduct a full benefits investigation and assist in resolving the problem.

Where can I find more information on my condition?

Several patient organizations have websites with information that may be helpful. Patients with PI can visit the Immune Deficiency Foundation (IDF) website, a global patient organization for patients with PI. Patients with CIDP can visit the GBS/CIDP Foundation website, a global patient organization for patients with CIDP.

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Hizentra Live Webinar

Hizentra Live Webinar Series features:

  • Presentations from a trained nurse
  • Stories from people like you living with
  • Q&A sessions where you can participate
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